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Principal's Corner

Ashley Cashman, Principal, East Port Orchard Elementary

Welcome to East Port Orchard Elementary School!

At EPO, we work to ensure that every student and their family feels welcome, safe, and supported. As our mission states, we want “to inspire and motivate students to realize their potential by caring for the whole child, instilling perseverance, collaborating with families, and providing access to rigorous academic opportunities.”

To accomplish our mission, we are incorporating multiple new initiatives at EPO:

AVID: Advancement Via Independent Determination is a program that provides supports for educators and students to encourage college and career readiness and success. No matter a student’s circumstances, they are being exposed to rigorous academic opportunities.

CHAMPS: With our partnership with Safe and Civil Schools, we are developing a school-wide approach to behavioral expectations.

MTSS: Our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support ensures that students are getting the resources they need to thrive in the classroom and in the world. This process uses data to best determine where are resources are going and continually monitor progress.

The staff at EPO is dedicated to ensuring our students have opportunities to live out their dreams and make our community a better place. We can’t accomplish our goal on our own. You are a vital member of our team. Open communication is the foundation to a productive partnership between our school and your family. Please consider joining our active and dedicated PTA at:

I look forward to partnering with you in developing resilient, perseverant learners who are on the path to becoming critical thinkers and contributing citizens that will truly help our society build a better future.
Best regards,
Ashley Cashman
Principal of East Port Orchard Elementary School